14) Paul Densem (NZ)

Paul Densem is a queen breeder based south-east of Christchurch in the Port Hills of Banks Peninsula New Zealand. Paul has created his own line of bees descending swarms that he caught when he first started beekeeping. Paul’s line of Italian bees have been selectively bred to produce high yields of honey and display calm temperaments. Paul’s business is Valley Apiaries. He offers queen bees for commercial and hobbyist beekeepers. You can contact Paul by email at 
Email Brent - brent@nixonqueenbees.com.au
Episode Breakdown
1:14 Paul’s Swarms 
1:43 What Paul looks for in his queens 
6:30 How long Paul worked on his bees until he was happy with them
7:20 How Paul got into breeding
9:20 What mating nucs Paul uses
10:40 Paul’s small amount of introduced stock
12:30 Diversifying genetics 
12:45 Drones
13:10 The rearing system Paul uses
17:50 Paul’s climate  
21:00 Where you can find Paul
21:44 Paul’s honey
23:20 Varroa