18) Terry Meakin (IE)


Terry has been keeping bees in Ireland since he was 7 years old and has over 30 years experience. Early in his career he spent time working with Peter Donovan at Buckfast Abbey, learning the methods of Brother Adam. Terry has a business called Wicklow Bees and Honey which provides queens, nucs and honey. County below Dublin

4:00 Feeders and Brother Adam

6:30 Started queen rearing at 14

8:00 Irish honey bee

9:40 AMM nucs 

10:00 Peter Donovan

11:30 Meeting Brother Adam

15:20 Peter Donovan’s photo book

17:10 Buckfast bee

20:10 Mating nucs

26:30 Dadant Hive

30:00 Patsy Bennett and the Teagasc Research Centre in Wexford

33:20 Where to find Terry