27) Cory Stevens (US) Breeding the Honeybee Podcast

Cory Stevens is a VSH queen breeder from Missouri, USA. He has a business called Steven’s Bee Company which offers AI VSH breeder queens, VSH virgin queens and raw honey free of miticides and antibiotics.

Cory's Website and Facebook

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Record a soundbite about your queen rearing here 
This podcast is proudly brought to you by Brent Nixon at Nixon Queen Bees in Ballarat Australia. Email Brent at brent@nixonqueenbees.com.au

00:00 Introduction
1:50 Guest question - Matt Crane - Is there a correlation between colour and VSH?
3:20 Guest question - Steve Sammut - Is there a correlation between UBeeO and VSH?
5:00 Guest question - Paul Roder - Is there a correlation between bald brood and VHS?
7:00 Cory’s commercial program in which he sends out breeders and gets back high performing F1s
8:50 How the F1s in the program are assessed 
10:07 UbeeO and overwintering 
12:53 Harbo Assay
13:42 Are F1s in the program treated?
17:16 What traits are desirable in returning F1s?
19:10 Colour and VSH - Harbo

Episode Music